Scott Hardie | October 12, 2013
Today, I've enjoyed this compilation of brainy humor.

I long ago shared my favorite. Do you have one?

Steve West | October 12, 2013
A neutron walks into a bar and asks, "How much for a drink?" The bartender replies, "For you, no charge."

Erik Bates | October 14, 2013
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Steve West | October 14, 2013
I just heard the joke I posted on a rerun of Big Bang which is probably where I heard it the first time. So let's try another - They say a Freudian slip is when you say one thing but really mean your mother.

Scott Hardie | October 17, 2013
Those are both fun. I've heard the neutron joke before in the post-apocalyptic Fallout 3, where you can hire a robot butler for your hovel and order it to tell you jokes once in a while. Here's a compilation:

Samir Mehta | October 20, 2013
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Scott Hardie | October 20, 2013
I had to laugh at that one. Randall Munroe could write pickup lines like that.

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