Scott Hardie | October 6, 2004
Is anybody else bummed out at the passing of Rodney Dangerfield? He was only moderately successful at generating big laughs, but he was so endearing. He could have easily inspired pity instead of fondness with the direction his self-deprecating humor took, but he had mastered it. There was nobody else like him.

Anna Gregoline | October 6, 2004
He died? Weird, I hadn't heard yet.

His jokes were never funny to me, and many were sexist besides.

Erik Bates | October 6, 2004
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Jackie Mason | October 6, 2004
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Kris Weberg | October 6, 2004
He'd been in what amounted to a stupor or coma for some time now.

And, for the record, I liked his humor, always bearing in mind the time and place it came from.

His movies, on the other hand, are crap even when compared to actual, organic crap.

Scott Hardie | October 6, 2004
Tragic Comedy: When it comes to the deaths of Rodney Dangerfield, Ronald Reagan, and William H. Macy, you heard it here first.

Lori Lancaster | October 6, 2004
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