Steve West | November 28, 2010
A woman in Madrid claims to own the sun. Because her documentation has been notarized, she aims to profit from the use of the sun and any depictions of same. She intends to be generous with her profits by donating a portion to charity and paying state taxes and plans only to keep 10% of the proceeds for herself.

Sorry to disappoint you Sra. Duran but I have documentation - equally notarized - that declares me to be Overlord of the entire Universe. That appears to include your puny sun, now doesn't it? However, I am a benevolent despot and may allow you the title of Governor of Sol. That 10% thing we'll have to negotiate. Perhaps you got the 1 correct but you can forget any zeros.

Scott Hardie | November 28, 2010
Typical European behavior - claim ownership of land without checking to see if anybody else lives there first.

Steve West | November 28, 2010
Hey, Happy Thanksgiving Indians! How about a nice big serving of smallpox?

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