Amy Austin | August 17, 2007
Other than my dog having surgery in the middle of my fun moving experience (intentional oxymoron), this actually pertains to Rock Block...

Are you getting bored with your label's hexcolor? Well, for greater interest (or just curiosity's sake), try using different combinations of your birth date (or other significant dates) and/or initials -- it's fun to see the results! Right now, mine is set to my birthday (010873).

Lori Lancaster | August 17, 2007
[hidden by request]

Amy Austin | August 17, 2007
Heheh... my wedding date looks like black, but interestingly, Ed's birthday appears to produce pretty much the same color as my birthday (a nice royal/navy blue)!

Amy Austin | August 17, 2007
She seems to be doing okay now. Dropped her off yesterday morning and picked her up after 1800 -- vet said it had gone as smoothly as could be wished for and that she peacefully slept off the anesthesia -- but she (C.C.) seemed worried once I got her into the truck to go home. The ride was not too bad, with a few little whimpers from her, and the vets had told me that she was probably medicated enough to last through the night. BUT... she wasn't home an hour or two before she started whining, and even after I gave her the recommended dosage of pain meds, she wouldn't stop her whimpering (which sounds like a sick bird's chirping). I tried to be calm and soothing, petting her frequently and telling her to go to sleep, but I was listening to her well into the night and thinking, "someone please kill me (or her) now!" It was so irritating that I finally started yelling, "C.C.!!!" when she did it, and she took the cue to try and buck up. (Mind you, now, she is a spoiled baby, and I did buy her some nice organic treats to eat later... which -- as with the pain meds -- she also seemed to feel like doing *much* sooner than the vets had anticipated!)

She is quietly dozing now, and I think I'm going to take advantage of the quiet and nap as well!

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