Kelly Lee | October 26, 2007
I think we should start reading Banned Books. And then posting on them. Start a book club.
List of Banned Books

Lori Lancaster | October 26, 2007
[hidden by request]

Amy Austin | October 26, 2007
Black Beauty? For real??

I'd say that this sounds like a good idea, except for 3 things...

1) Most of them appear to have been banned for some ridiculously benign reason (see above) and are actually books that I've already read -- (in primary/secondary school!) -- not that it's a reason not to read them... I suppose many are deserving of a revisit... if you liked Animal Farm the first time around...

2) The ones that have anything even remotely close to resembling a "legitimate" reason (Anarchist Cookbook, for instance) seem like they would be boring as hell to me... but what do I know...


3) I think Kelly just wants us all to join her on the FBI's Library Wacko Watch List... hm? ;-)

Erik Bates | October 26, 2007
[hidden by request]

Lori Lancaster | October 26, 2007
[hidden by request]

Kelly Lee | October 26, 2007
Perhaps I am fueled by rereading "Fahrenheit 451" recently. Perhaps I'm angered by the very idea of banning books, and banning the spread of ideas, no matter the reasoning behind it.

I'm thinking that I'm just plain bored with my book list as of this moment.

Hrm. The Bible. One week from now. Is this an ok translation of it?

Erik Bates | October 26, 2007
[hidden by request]

Amy Austin | October 26, 2007
And you should be. ;-)

(That was meant to follow Kelly's post...)

Aaron Shurtleff | October 27, 2007
That might be my new favorite translation of the Bible. :)

Let me know when we get to Beautiful Retard. I might want to read that. I think I could relate. :)

Steve West | November 8, 2007
Anybody read any of these and think they're films waiting to be made? (link) Besides The Hobbit and The Bachman Books (The Long Walk) it seems I've got some reading to do.

Amy Austin | November 8, 2007
Well, this is the second time that mention was made of making The Long Walk into a movie... and not that I don't agree -- it's a great story and *would* seem to lend itself very well... even in the hands of a less seasoned director -- but every time I see this, I think of *another* riveting story by the same name that would make one hell of an epic film: The Long Walk

It's an awesomely poignant read -- I highly recommend.

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