Steve West | February 16, 2008
Not much of a trailer but still made my heart race a little in anticipation. Yes, I hate the title.

Amy Austin | February 16, 2008
Heheh... wonder if old Harry's still doing all his own stunts...

Steve West | February 16, 2008
In other Hollywood news about films I'm greatly anticipating. Those bastards at Paramount have pushed back the release of Star Trek.

Steve West | February 22, 2008
Other anticipated films for 2009. (link)

Scott Hardie | February 22, 2008
I was kind of surprised when they said Star Trek would still be finished in time for its original Christmas release, but they were holding it till summer so it could make more money. Really? In this file-sharing era? When the movie in question is being intensely anticipated by a huge body of hardcore, Internet-savvy fans? Seems dangerous, but then, probably many of those same fans will pay to see it on a big screen even if they watch a pirated copy ten times first.

Steve West | March 1, 2008
New trailer for Iron Man. Damn cool.

Steve West | March 1, 2008
Trailer for Get Smart.

Erik Bates | March 1, 2008
[hidden by request]

Lori Lancaster | March 1, 2008
[hidden by request]

Tony Peters | March 1, 2008
Trigun movie???? here's to hoping they don't commit the sin of Spawn and compress too much into too little time.....I have 5-6 TriGun manga'a on my "to read shelf" that I need to get through

Lori Lancaster | March 2, 2008
[hidden by request]

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