Mike Eberhart | December 3, 2008
Hey from Paris, France. I'm over here visiting friends, and fortunately, I have internet access. So I figured I'd post so I can say that I played the Goo game from France. :) Anyway, I'll post again later. C-ya.

Amy Austin | December 3, 2008
Color me Jealous!

Steve West | December 3, 2008
Oh, man. I would ask how you're doing but I think I already know! That is so cool. Kiss whatever the french equivalent of the Blarney Stone is.

Tony Peters | December 3, 2008
Smelly cheese? not that there is anything wrong with that

Aaron Shurtleff | December 3, 2008
Nice! (Which is kind of a bad pun...sorry)

Enjoy your trip!!

Lori Lancaster | December 3, 2008
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Jackie Mason | December 4, 2008
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Scott Hardie | December 4, 2008
Joyeuses fĂȘtes! ApprĂ©ciez votre voyage. Paris est beau maintenant.

Mike Eberhart | December 4, 2008
Thanks all. It has been pretty cool over here. The food is awesome, and all the history too.

Jackie Mason | January 31, 2009
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Tony Peters | January 31, 2009
skip frogs legs that's for sure

Amy Austin | January 31, 2009
Please. They taste just like chicken.

Tony Peters | January 31, 2009
no I just mean they are primarily a tourist thing...if you are there at the right time Pari Fermier is a lot of fun, we went during a lay over and ate our way through it

Jackie Mason | January 31, 2009
[hidden by request]

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