What should the Pork Industry's new slogan be?

Pork: 'Cause Bacon Tastes Good
5 votes
My Dinner? Pork Ribs smothered in Pork Chops.
0 votes
Welcome to Hamalot
2 votes
Pork the One You Love
1 vote
This is your belly. This is your belly on pork. Any Questions?
0 votes
Pork: Vegans Can Kiss My Ass
1 vote
The Other, Other White Meat
0 votes
Did Someone say Mad Cow?
1 vote
Other (explain)
0 votes

Steve West | March 5, 2011
In an effort to increase sales which have been slipping for the last two decades, the National Pork Board has unveiled it's new campaign slogan - Pork Be inspired. This is intended to convey its unique flavor and versatility. All it gets from me is a raging yawn.

In a related story, five new inductees were elected to the Meat Hall of Fame.

As an interesting side note, the more famous Rock 'n Roll Hall of Fame shares an inductee with the lesser known Hall in Tommy Lee. Thanks Scoop.

Scott Hardie | March 17, 2011
The new slogan is so generic and arbitrary. Some friends and I had fun riffing on what other slogans the food industry could come up with, like:

"Bananas: Be Kind to Your Elders"

"Cashews: Posture Matters"

"Rye Bread: Get Enough Sleep"

That went on for fifteen increasingly weird minutes. I guess pork did inspire us.

Steve West | March 17, 2011
Slogans for other products:

Bran: Because Nobody Wants A Semicolon.

LSD: Flashbacks Help You Remember the Blackouts

ExLax: Better Than A Weapons Grade Suppository

Midol: When Your Hissy Fits Are Only Three Minutes Apart

The USPS: More Job Security Than Barry Bonds' Live-In Pharmacist

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