Scott Hardie | November 9, 2011
Coming home from work, I found two pine cones in our closed mailbox, without explanation. The floor is open to speculation as to the reason.

I'll start: Neighborhood kids heard of a new fad called "coning" and asked their older siblings what it meant.

Steve West | November 9, 2011
Euell Gibbons mistook your mailbox for his mini-fridge.

Samir Mehta | November 9, 2011
[hidden by request]

Steve West | November 9, 2011
I think it was a hobo squirrel sign for "will give nuts for looking cute and pathetic".

Samir Mehta | November 9, 2011
[hidden by request]

Scott Hardie | November 9, 2011
Maybe it's a sign from the squirrel mafia that I've been marked for death. If I don't pay up, I'm going to "sleep with the nuts."

Lori Lancaster | November 9, 2011
[hidden by request]

Scott Hardie | November 10, 2011

Reed Hastings decided that the movie business is a dead end, so overnight, he turned Netflix into a pine cone delivery service.

Steve West | November 10, 2011
As a practical joke, someone has subscribed you to the "Conifer Seed of the Month" club. Next month: Swiss Mountain Pine!

Steve West | November 11, 2011
The squirrel mafia has come to collect the vig on their loan - you now owe them three ounces of pecans.

click image to zoom

Scott Hardie | October 7, 2013
Now I'm finding piles of twigs inside our closed mailbox when I come home. Either the neighbor kids are messing with us, or I pissed off the Blair Witch.

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