Roving Captions
Amy Austin | August 14, 2007
"Damn it, I specifically demanded a plane to Mexico for my resignation... WHERE THE HELL IS MY PLANE!"
Russ Wilhelm | August 14, 2007
ASSHOLE!!! Bet if I showed some leg you'd have stopped!
Scott Hardie | August 14, 2007
"If I'd known I was going to 'resign' today, I'd have worn my damn red tie."
Steve West | August 14, 2007
Commemorative miniature Lincoln Bedroom playset...check
I oozed in the White House for 6 years and all I got was this lousy T-shirt...check
Autographed cheesecake photo of Madeleine Albright...check
Okay, all packed. Let's go.
Scott Hardie | August 15, 2007
Rove, still wandering around 40 miles west of Vegas high on peyote after celebrating the Libby commutation, doesn't know yet that he has 'resigned.'
Steve West | August 15, 2007
Dick Cheney action figure with removable AK-47...check
Coffee table book on Nixon dirty tricks campaign (small semen stain)...check
Kill Bill video - Love that title!...check
OK, now I'm really ready to go.
Russ Wilhelm | August 15, 2007
I'd be on that bus if I'd just remembered to pack my Preparation H.
Russ Wilhelm | August 16, 2007
Taking the time to get away and relax before his final farewell
Karl Rove with a group of his closest friends, pictured above,....
Russ Wilhelm | August 16, 2007
I knew I shoulda takin' that left turn at Albuquerque
Russ Wilhelm | August 16, 2007
Senior advisor, "The Architect", Deputy Chief of Staff!!! Now all I'm good for is to carry his f**king luggage?
Amy Austin | August 16, 2007
Didn't we used to have someone -- Alberto, wasn't it? -- to tote our luggage for us? What? Oh, we got rid of them?? Damn. Wait a minute... didn't we just raise minimum wage???
Tony Peters | August 16, 2007
Karl Rove moving a few essentials to his new office at Haliburton World headquarters
Russ Wilhelm | August 16, 2007
That was some going away party. Where the hell am I?
Michael Paul Cote | August 17, 2007
Two rolling suitcases - $110.00
One soft sided carry on - $35.00
Being laughing stock of the Western World - Priceless
Lori Lancaster | August 17, 2007
[hidden by request]
Derek Kendzor | August 18, 2007
[hidden by request]
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Scott Hardie | August 14, 2007

Provide a caption for this news photo about Karl Rove's resignation: