Sarah Palin Baby Name Generator!
Amy Austin | September 15, 2008
Noteworthy tidbit: Results may vary based on entering first or full name. (Interestingly enough, I got the same result for my best friend's name, either way ("Copper Catfish" -- awesome!)... however... I truly recommend that you check out your first-name only results, Aaron...;-DDD)
--Engine Nighthawk Palin
(or Bash Budweiser Palin, for the full name effect... Mangle Blue Palin w/middle name, too!)
Aaron Shurtleff | September 15, 2008
OK, so Drill Swollen Palin is pretty darn cool, too, both as a name and a suggestion... *drools*
The full full name is Goalie Sanka Palin...not so good.
Put in the cats names. The best of the bunch: Cheney Wolfhound Palin. :)
Amy Austin | September 15, 2008
Yeah, I saw Goalie Sanka, too (my curiosity is insatiable with these things... I'll enter practically every combination of names I know just for kicks!) -- really wasn't quite as noteworthy... but pretty funny for the unwitting? combination of field position and the name of one of the characters in Cool Runnings...
Tony Peters | September 15, 2008
Chalk Revelations with just my first name Froth Moonshine if I enter my full name
Aaron Shurtleff | September 15, 2008
Oh. I thought it was a reference to Sanka coffee...
Amy Austin | September 15, 2008
It was, Aaron... the character I mentioned was parodically named Sanka Coffie -- I just always think of him when I hear it.
Aaron Shurtleff | September 15, 2008
Oh. I haven't seen Cool Runnings, so I didn't know that...
I'm just dumb. Ignore me.
Amy Austin | September 15, 2008
I wouldn't necessarily say that -- hell, I might even say that I was dumber for having seen the movie, actually... just look at the crap taking up valuable real estate in my brain! But then, I suppose you'd know all about that, too... what was the obscure movie you recently mentioned? Something about somebody's grandma... something I never even heard of? I don't know if it was good or crap, but if you went out of your way for crap, then I'll second your opinion. ;-)
P.S. -- Anybody else getting a lot of "error" and offline notices here lately???
Tony Peters | September 15, 2008
on a lot of widely different sites....on drastically different networks
Scott Hardie | September 18, 2008
I have a help ticket in with the host. We'll see what they say. It's not a script issue, since it's happening to plain html pages with no php/mysql overhead. My best guess is server overload; someone else on this shared machine could be overwhelming it and keeping it from serving pages. Or it could be any number of processes tying up server resources, or otherwise preventing normal operation, that have nothing to do with a specific site.
Jackie Mason | September 19, 2008
[hidden by request]
Dave Stoppenhagen | September 24, 2008
I would be Bomb Locamotive Palin and my daughter would be Seam Marauder Palin.
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Aaron Shurtleff | September 15, 2008
This was just too funny to not have a way to share these!
If you don't look at the Oddities, get over there! NOW!
Put your Palin name in here for the joy of the rest of us! Thanks to Crop Schooner Palin (Steve West) for sharing!!
--Nixon Hailfire Palin (Best name EVAR!!)