Dave Stoppenhagen

Dave wrote this post for his blog Meaningless Drivel: December.
Dave wrote 298 comments in these 294 discussions: Abortion for Men, Iran, The Fat Tax, show all »Abortion for Men, Iran, The Fat Tax, The Fat Tax, Running the Red Light, Airport Body Scanners, Airport Body Scanners, RFID, The Right to Anything, Favorite Movies Poll, Favorite Movies Poll, Favorite Movies Poll, The Frog, Bambi Hunting, Bambi Hunting, Bambi Hunting, Kobe, New Car, Clapping at Movies, William H. Macy (1950-2003), William H. Macy (1950-2003), Personal Info, Hussein Poll, Welcome to the New CelebrityGooGame.com!, Cooking for Dummies, 24 Starts in a Few Short Weeks, LiveUpdate is Dead, Possible Side Effects Are..., The Sole Question, Disney Woes, Pardon Me, Pardon Me, Disney Woes, Work Sleepies, Co-Sleeping, Languages, Languages, Work Sleepies, Butterfly Wings, Quitters Never Win (Completely), Quitters Never Win (Completely), Quitters Never Win (Completely), Luke Skywalker or Han Solo, Luke Skywalker or Han Solo, Fire This, Cover Me, I'm Going in, A Very Good Wine!!!, Beers, Beers, Beers, Beers, I Want My Death TV, Main Menu Links, Pronunciation, Pronunciation, The Stella Awards, The Polls on the Site Go Round and Round, TC Delight, TC Delight, TC Delight, TC Delight, User Maps, Is the FCC Going Too Far?, User Maps, Job Hunt, Job Hunt, No Sin Sticks While Rolling, No Sin Sticks While Rolling, Senile Parents, They Still Haven't Started, They Still Haven't Started, I'm Such a Woman, Bookworm, Summer Plans?, Web Site Awards, Happy Birthday, Scott!, Watch Out Fer Yer Comcast, Bud, Guess Who's 26 on Sunday?, Guess Who's 26 on Sunday?, Worst Feeling, Worst Feeling, Worst Feeling, Open Letters, I Wish Every Man in the World Would Read This, I Wish Every Man in the World Would Read This, Sinking Ship?, Don't Drive Angry, Tu Nombre, Sampling the Goods, Sampling the Goods, No More Cars, Food Guilty Pleasure, Retro Gamers, Unite!, Retro Gamers, Unite!, I'll Never Understand..., The End of the World, The End of the World, Wherefore Art Thou ----?, Wherefore Art Thou ----?, My Eyes!, Straight Marriage, Black Friday, Scott's Pet Peeve #2619, Smokes for Troops, Stupid Names, The Ten Best Films of 2004 That I Saw, Advertising Madness, The Ten Best Films of 2004 That I Saw, The Ten Best Films of 2004 That I Saw, Advertising Madness, Scott I Miss You, Happy Birthday, Scott I Miss You, Advertising Madness, Advertising Madness, Scott I Miss You, What's Your Favorite Color?, What's Your Favorite Color?, What's Your Favorite Color?, Scott's Pet Peeve #5847, Scott's Pet Peeve #5847, Sigh, Sigh, Scott's Pet Peeve #5847, Sigh, Traditionnnnnnn! Tradition!, Traditionnnnnnn! Tradition!, Alien Mouse Syndrome, Favorite Muppet, Amy, Let's Start Over, Jumpy Monkey, Interesting Videos.....Or Whatever, Interesting Videos.....Or Whatever, Interesting Videos.....Or Whatever, Interesting Videos.....Or Whatever, Interesting Videos.....Or Whatever, Interesting Videos.....Or Whatever, Interesting Videos.....Or Whatever, Interesting Videos.....Or Whatever, Interesting Videos.....Or Whatever, Interesting Videos.....Or Whatever, Jumpy Monkey, Digital Cameras, Digital Cameras, Up All Night, TC: Bring It Back... to the Authors, The Superbowl, What the Hell is Wrong with Some People, What the Hell is Wrong with Some People, What the Hell is Wrong with Some People, What the Hell is Wrong with Some People, Ta-Da, It's an Announcement, Gross Gross Gross Icky Gross, Yay Denise (I Suck), What the Hell is Wrong with Some People, SOS Campaign, A Ponderous Situation, Super Size Me, Congratulations, Congratulations, Super Size Me, Ta-Da, It's an Announcement, Tragic Animal Comedy, Tragic Animal Comedy, Catholicism: A New Pope, Catholicism: A New Pope, Catholicism: A New Pope, Catholicism: A New Pope, Catholicism: A New Pope, Catholicism: A New Pope, Catholicism: A New Pope, Catholicism: A New Pope, Catholicism: A New Pope, Catholicism: A New Pope, Catholicism: A New Pope, Catholicism: A New Pope, Catholicism: A New Pope, Catholicism: A New Pope, B Negative, Pareidolia, Catholicism: A New Pope, Catholicism: A New Pope, Catholicism: A New Pope, Summer Movie Season, Happy Birthday, Scott!, Music (0571), Kitten Cannon, Sandra D Retires, Pathetic Geek Stories, Pathetic Geek Stories, Travel Tips Needed, Thorough Music Reviews, Thorough Music Reviews, Will You Cook My Dinner for Me? My Parents Aren't Around and I'm Not Allowed to Turn on the Stove, Military History Week, Pathetic Geek Stories, Pathetic Geek Stories, Heinous House Hunting, Hot Coffee, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Brandy is Good, 0622, 0622, Guessing at Goos, Guessing at Goos, Guessing at Goos, Guessing at Goos, Guessing at Goos, Parenting Students, Animation Art, IM Fever, Reach Out and Write Someone, Animation Art, IM Fever, Reach Out and Write Someone, Anna's Wedding, You Knew It Had to Come, Childish Behavior?, Childish Behavior?, Childish Behavior?, Happy Birthday, Amy, Happy Birthday Lori!!!, The Apocalypse is Here, Here is How I Know, goo.tc, Nerd Out, The Apocalypse is Here, Here is How I Know, I Know You're on Vacation, But..., Rock Block, Rock Block, RB21, RB21, How Men Cope with Being Cast as Predators, Career Inclination, Robert Jordan, Ghost Stories, Ghost Stories, No Goo Tonight, Happy Birthday Amy, Happy Tenth, Goo Game, Another Birthday Greeting... for Dave!, Guess Who's 26 on Sunday?, Was That Just Wrong...??? (Happy Birthday, Scott Ho!), Song Crush, Song Crush, Song Crush, RIAA Calls Radio Piracy, RIAA Calls Radio Piracy, Your Debut Album, Sarah Palin Baby Name Generator!, Song Crush, Song Crush, GooCon: Citrus Ridge, Happy Birthday Lori!!!, Cell Phone Spyware, Cell Phone Spyware, Happy Birthday, Scott!!, Happy Birthday Dave, Bookmarking Social, Stairway to Heaven (RB), Stairway to Heaven (RB), The Gathering Storm, Black Friday Experiences, Smart Phone Wars, Smart Phone Wars, Gefeliciteerd, Gefeliciteerd, Sweet Home Chicago, Happy Birthday Lori!!!, Time to Mix Up the Menu!, New Eating Disorder: French Fries and Plain Spaghetti, Parental Professions, What to Do in North Dakota, What to Do in North Dakota, What to Do in North Dakota, What to Do in North Dakota, Belated Captions Please, Time to Mix Up the Menu!, Did You Vote Yet?, Going to Start a Fantasy Football League, Going to Start a Fantasy Football League, Like a Rolling Stone (RB), Like a Rolling Stone (RB), Happy Birthday Kelly!, Major Announcement, Major Announcement, Major Announcement, Show Me the Meat, Who Has Two Thumbs and a Brand New Fiancee?, Surely, You Can't Be Serious..., Who Has Two Thumbs and a Brand New Fiancee?, Megastorm, Activism in Wisconsin, Happy Birthday Lori!!!, Happiness is a Warm Birthday, and Bad Drivers.
Dave wrote 19 replies to these 19 blog posts: Pretty (and expensive ouch) Glass., Digging up old pics and testing out the scanner a bit, Unexpected Easter, Clarinet, Buying a Printer, Happiness, That's My Livelihood, Bride of Chucky? Good girl Nellie gone Bad., Death Eaters and Jedi, Love, Scott, Day 86, 401.8, An empty House?, The Vagueness Continues, Halloween 2010, Halloween 2010, December, December, The Ten Best Films of 2010 That I Saw, and Atkins.