Scott Hardie | November 16, 2006
Government study: Internet 1 percent porn. Did anybody else read this article and think, "Only one percent?!"

Amy Austin | November 16, 2006
Wow... that must mean that the Net is incomprehesibly HUGE -- not sure if I can wrap my head around that one!

(For those not familiar with the title song of the discussion: Internet is for porn)

Aaron Shurtleff | November 16, 2006
Golly. That must means that I have a real knack for accidentally hitting the 1% of those sites when I'm trying to do a regular search. :)

Accidentally being the word I will stress. ACCIDENTALLY!

Kris Weberg | November 16, 2006
Wlle, only one percent of sites listed via search engines, at any rate. Wonder if they remembered to turn off "SafeSearch."

Scott Hardie | November 18, 2006
Oy, I've experienced that unpleasant moment of panic at work when you're searching for an image and stumble across pornographic imagery across your screen and scramble to close your browser. You get it closed before anyone sees it, but for a moment you wonder if you're going to hear about this in three months in a very serious discussion with Human Resources.

Tony Peters | November 19, 2006
Early on internet porn had camped out at a number of almost websites and the one that got me with a typo My boss was standing behind me when I hit "d" instead of "s" and like a thousand pop-ups filled the screen all porn related. Thankfully he had recently made a similar mistake so it was funny instead of scary. I had to reboot to clear the screen it was so bad. These days the firewalls are so bad that inocent searches set off alarms and garner phonecalls. Though a favorite work gag is to search for photos of Justin Timberlake naked on anyone's computer if they walk away logged in.....

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