Jackie Mason | July 13, 2004
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Lori Lancaster | July 13, 2004
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Steve West | July 14, 2004
Not to compare Ditka in intellect, integrity, or relevance to American history but... Before becoming president, Abraham Lincoln was a failure at pretty much everything he attempted. Defeated for state legislature, failed in business, had nervous breakdown, defeated for State Speaker, defeated for Congress, rejected for land officer, defeated for U.S. Senate, defeated for VP nomination, and defeated for U.S. Senate again. Is Ditka the next Lincoln? Doubtful. But then again, Harry Truman was a haberdasher.

Anna Gregoline | July 14, 2004
And don't forget George Bush! He failed at all his businessman ventures, and skipped out on the National Guard! In America, it doesn't matter, you can still make it to the top!

Scott Hardie | July 14, 2004
Ditka is such a bad choice for Senator that he makes "Governor Schwarzenegger" sound halfway reasonable.

Jackie Mason | July 14, 2004
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Anna Gregoline | July 14, 2004
They're doing it because their careers are shot.

Jackie Mason | July 14, 2004
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Jackie Mason | July 14, 2004
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Anna Gregoline | July 15, 2004
Thank goodness.

Jackie Mason | July 15, 2004
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Anna Gregoline | July 16, 2004
I also read something about him thinking he might punch someone during a debate. Uh, yeah.

Kris Weberg | July 19, 2004
I was looking forward to more of those great campaign commercials featuring Ditka talking about erectile dysfunction.

Or perhaps I've gotten confused again...

Jackie Mason | July 22, 2004
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Melissa Erin | July 23, 2004
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Anna Gregoline | July 23, 2004
Yes, and insurance will pay for anything associated with PREGNANCY, which is a heck of a lot more expensive than keeping someone not pregnant.

See, it's the subtle things that bother me as a feminist.

Scott Horowitz | July 23, 2004
You're all talking about celebrities running for public office now. It has been going on for years: Sonny Bono, Ronald Reagan. People like to vote for names they recognize more than the issues at hand. I think this is why the celebrity push has been fairly successful in the political market. The number of people that vote in this country is also disgraceful. More people vote for American Idol than for President. While that number is flawed (due to 12 year old girls voting for Clay Aikin 47,000 times each), it just shows you how apathetic this country has become. People don't care about issues... they're just like "Oh he was great in The Terminator, he can make a good governor." I also like the irony that he is a Republican Governor who is married to a Kennedy.

As for California, I would have voted for Mary Carey. Just to have a porn star as a governor..... it would have been great!!!

Erik Bates | July 23, 2004
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Robert Phillips | July 23, 2004
I voted for Jesse "The Body" Ventura as governor of Minnesota. To this day it was the best vote I ever cast. When the other 2 "respectable" candidates poo-poo'ed decriminalizing drugs as stupid and crazy Jesse has the balls to say..What methodolgy would actually decrease the use of bad substances. Decriminalization should at least be looked at as a possibility. This was a thoughtful man...I was totally ashamed of the other 2 candidates because they turned to using popular opinion not based on any kind of scientific reasoning.

Scott Hardie | July 24, 2004
True. Ventura was my kind of candidate: He'll say it like it is, win or lose the election.

Scott Horowitz | July 24, 2004
While going on this rant, I just saw Fahrenheit 9/11. While I was voting for Kerry the whole time, this movie made me wonder why people could even consider voting for Bush. His presidency serves as nothing more than a detriment to our county, and filling his own pockets more.

Anyways I digress, I liked Jesse Ventura... my favorite quote of his while he was governor "Organized religion is for weak minded people." While I am not sure how much I agree with that statement, I just liked that he just said what was on his mind and didn't "politic" too much!

Robert Phillips | July 25, 2004
Duh were in Florida

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