Erik Bates | April 21, 2006
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Scott Horowitz | April 21, 2006
D) All of the Above

Lori Lancaster | April 21, 2006
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Jackie Mason | April 22, 2006
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Mike Eberhart | April 22, 2006
We won't invade, we'll launch massive airstrikes and take out their infrastucture, then we'll think about invading after we assess what kind of damage we inflicted.

Kris Weberg | April 22, 2006
My own guess is that it'll be Israel, with a nod from us, who launches airstrikes on any suspected nuclear facilities with covert support from us.

At least, with the U.S. occupying a majority Shiite country right next to Iran, that'd make the most tactical sense.

Michael Paul Cote | April 22, 2006
Maybe we'll get tired of Iraq and just pick up everything and move it to Iran.

E. M. | April 27, 2006
[hidden by request]

Scott Hardie | May 16, 2006
E) Never. It's much larger, more populous, more organized, and better-allied than Iraq was – that can describe both the military and the insurgency – and look how well Iraq is going despite our best efforts. Bush's threat of using nukes is a bluff and Ahmadinejad is calling it. There's nothing we can do to stop them from getting nukes. (That's not to say that Bush should do anything differently; his hands are tied and he's doing his best.)

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