Lori Lancaster | September 16, 2004
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Melissa Erin | September 16, 2004
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Anna Gregoline | September 16, 2004
I hate how at the end of the article it says that he was not the father of the child - uh, like it makes a difference?

Melissa Erin | September 17, 2004
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Jackie Mason | September 17, 2004
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Scott Hardie | September 17, 2004
Good point, Jackie; I hadn't thought of that. I happened to see the footage, and it looked to me like the man dropped the baby to stop the police car that was chasing him, knowing they would neither hit it nor drive away and leave it there. That's a great strategy for a chess player, but a horrible act of malice for a human being.

Anna Gregoline | September 18, 2004
I don't think that anyone who tosses a baby out of a moving vehicle has a top priority of making sure the baby is safe.

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