Work Sleepies
Lori Lancaster | February 13, 2004
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Lori Lancaster | February 13, 2004
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Jackie Mason | February 13, 2004
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Anna Gregoline | February 13, 2004
I took some daytime cold medicine once, so that I could get through class without falling asleep, and a teacher friend sent me home before I got to class because I was talking too fast and my face was twitching from it. It was like I was on speed. Awful. I'm all about the drugs that make you calm and relaxed, not the other way around! Caffeine isn't as bad, but it still makes me jittery. I've been eating a lot of sugar here, but that's a temp fix.
Lori Lancaster | February 13, 2004
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Dave Stoppenhagen | February 13, 2004
One of my wife's friends is a candy fiend and was just diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes. She may have to take insulin shots the rest of her life and she is only 23.
I suggest for staying awake to walk around evey once in a while, I have to get up every 30 min or so and walk around, one of the nice thing about a wireless headset. Also don't touch your face if you can avoid it, when you touch your face you trigger hormones that make you more tired.
Anna Gregoline | February 13, 2004
I didn't know that about the face thing, thanks. How strange. I wonder why that would be?
I know the sugar is bad, but I just can't help myself. I hope this will all get better someday when I have a more interesting job.
Lori Lancaster | February 13, 2004
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Lori Lancaster | February 13, 2004
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Dave Stoppenhagen | February 13, 2004
Mine was usually Pepsi, drank that like it was going out of style
Anna Gregoline | February 14, 2004
I knew a girl in high school who drank an entire litre of Jolt cola during school hours, and followed it up with that sugar pixie dust you eat with the candy spoon. She was wiggin.
Lori Lancaster | February 14, 2004
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Steve West | February 14, 2004
I don't drink coffee, either. I eat it straight from the can. Why dilute it?
Lori Lancaster | February 14, 2004
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Erik Bates | February 14, 2004
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Scott Hardie | February 14, 2004
My favorite Vivarin ad slogan in college: "Stop sleeping with your professors."
I can't have caffeine because of a heart condition, so when I need to wake up in a hurry, I play some hard rock music really loud (honest). A few minutes of Tom Araya roaring in my ears on the drive to work gives me the morning kick I need. It's too bad that office Musak can have the opposite effect.
Anna Gregoline | February 14, 2004
I WISH we had Muzak. Just operator calls, that's it.
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Anna Gregoline | February 13, 2004
Any tips on how to stay awake at work for someone who doesn't drink coffee?