Derek Sutcliffe | September 26, 2001
ok i noticed this shit about some shit...
someone in my class told me that the flight number Q33NY for one of the flights that crashed into the World Trade Center...well if you take Q33NY and change the font to does some fucked up shit...your gonna have to try it on your own...

Scott Hardie | September 26, 2001
That's not the real flight number, but it IS fucking cool.

Btw, I found something disturbing. I went searching for the real flight number (and found it here), but to start it off, I searched for "q33ny" on Yahoo. Of the eleven results in English, seven of them described the proper method as: "Open MS Word, type in Q33NY, change the font to Wingdings." So MS Word is the only program in which you can change the font? Are people really that brainwashed into using that program? (I understand that it's the most dominant of any word processing program, but to say "Open MS Word" and not "Open a word processing program" is messed up.)

Scott Hardie | September 26, 2001
Wow, here's something much more fucked up than that.

This person thinks the Q33NY thing is proof that Israel is behind the attacks. I'm glad nobody replied in agreement with him. The odds of two people with 30 IQs surfing the same site would be astounding.

David Mitzman | October 1, 2001
hey guys, check out and it disputes this claim. The urban legends website is pretty reliant when it comes to this stuff. So this is fake :)

Scott Hardie | October 4, 2001
Yes, as I pointed out five days earlier. :-P :-)

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