Someone on Facebook just quoted Caddyshack, and the quote included the name Mitch Cumstein.


One Reply to 15-V-2016 or OHMYGODOHMYGODOHMYGOD!!!!!

Scott Hardie | May 16, 2016


Aaron Shurtleff uses this area as a dumping ground for his random thoughts... Read more »

7-III-2007 or What You Don't Want to Hear

I understand that hearing about my stupid medical situations is probably annoying to everyone. Too bad. It's where I'm at, so I like to use my blog as a venting point, or at least to try to put down what I'm thinking/feeling. Go »

11-V-2008 or Oh, You Won't Like This...

Random filler is entered here, such that you won't see what is to come on the front page. Not that it would be so bad if you did, but I want people who read this to read this purposely, not accidentally because it was on the front page. If you read a posting called "Oh, You Won't Like This...", Go »

11-VIII-2006 or Scutellum with Sublateral Grooves

Just a random part of an identification key for parasitic wasps I'm struggling with at work today. Random titles are hard to come up with some days. :( Well, who loves working overtime? Go »

28-V-2010 or The Price

No, this is not about the Twisted Sister song! Although it could be... We will never discuss the price I just paid to get Bon Jovi back on my Rock Block label... Go »

12-I-2009 or 1337?

I done got my computer hacked this weekend, which makes me angry. I've been running around today (at work) changing up passwords...which means I'll probably forget most of them, and be using the change password button on most of the places I hang out at to change them AGAIN. Go »

19-I-2007 or And now for something completely different

It's Friday, so it must be time for Aaron's pointless ramblings on subjects various and nefarious, topics wonderful and blunder-full, and generally funky and spunky. Yeah, that last one wasn't so good, but the first two weren't much with the funny either. :( Anyhow, it should be an uneventful weekend, so I'm looking forward to that. Go »