Someone on Facebook just quoted Caddyshack, and the quote included the name Mitch Cumstein.


One Reply to 15-V-2016 or OHMYGODOHMYGODOHMYGOD!!!!!

Scott Hardie | May 16, 2016


Aaron Shurtleff uses this area as a dumping ground for his random thoughts... Read more »

4-XI-2008 or Historic Vote

Well, I just voted. I have to say this is the first time that I have been totally regretful as I walked out of the polling center. Even now, I have a pain in my stomach, and I'm wondering to myself, "Did I do the right thing?" Go »

19-IV-2008 or Short But Sweet

I just sent Scott an e-mail with a new picture for the site. It's not the best, but it's more accurate of what I look like. Song of the day: "Short But Sweet" by M.O.D. Go »

18-VII-2007 or Three Days In A Row?

I know! I don't believe it either! And to all the haters out there, I got my hater-blockers on! Go »

4-VIII-2006 or Dogs and Ponies and VP's, Oh, $h!t!

Heh. Today, the new VP of Agricultural Research or whatever is touring our facility, so ain't squat gonna get done. I had to spend most of the day yesterday cleaning up and making the lab basically look like no one does anything. Go »

18-VIII-2006 or Are you doing that on purpose?

I keep reading Adrirants, but she's posting them and disabling replies! How can the peanut gallery comment? Maybe that's the point... Go »

25-VIII-2006 or All good things...

Last night was the last night of the regular kickball season. The playoff tournament is going to take place while I am in Denmark, so I am done. I will miss kickball. Go »