This is a most Holy of Holy days!!! I finally got a GOO before anyone else!! I'm #1! WOOHOO!!!

Now to wait for everyone else to get it... :)


Aaron Shurtleff uses this area as a dumping ground for his random thoughts... Read more »

4-VIII-2007 or Short and Sweet

I am working on a Saturday. I am not so amused. :( Anyhow, the song of the day is this annoying song that one of my co-workers has sung non-frickin' stop for the past week and a half. Go »

24-IV-2008 or Fallen Angel

I have a post to write, but I'm not sure I can get to it in its entirety before the end of work, so I might just be holding this space for a while. Think of it as an announcement that something is coming later tonight (after kickball). It actually, in some ways, involves kickball. Go »

26-VI-2019 or NUFFLE!!!

Good day. Am I really going to start doing daily mini-blogs just because my co-workers called me out? Apparently. Go »

25-VIII-2006 or All good things...

Last night was the last night of the regular kickball season. The playoff tournament is going to take place while I am in Denmark, so I am done. I will miss kickball. Go »

23-VIII-2006 or Happy Birthday! (Supplemental-No reply)

This is dedicated to the one that got away... Hey! Happy Birthday! Go »

22-II-2007 or Speaking of crap...

I wrestled with not saying this, but I've been transparent about everything thus far, so here's the latest medical drama. I getting a colonoscopy tomorrow. That involves a lot of "cleansing" this evening, and a lot of I can't eat anything today and tomorrow. Go »