This is a most Holy of Holy days!!! I finally got a GOO before anyone else!! I'm #1! WOOHOO!!!

Now to wait for everyone else to get it... :)


Aaron Shurtleff uses this area as a dumping ground for his random thoughts... Read more »

5-XI-2008 or Mentiroso!

Yeah, my espanol is muy malo. I feel like I should just come out and admit that I was probably lying yesterday. I have a habit (preference, actually) for claiming I voted for whoever wins the election, not matter whether it is true or not. Go »

12-VII-2009 or Dance With The Dead In My Dreams

Hey, everybody! Long time, no hear! How are you all doing today? Go »

22-XII-2008 or I am dumb.

Funny story (only it's not)! My wife was running in a 5K race for the inaugural Saint Petersburg Bowl (I love those corporate tie-ins!), Go »

22-XII-2006, or Time to set the auto-reply!

Well, it's my last day at work until January 2nd, so if you don't hear from me, that's why. Not that many people really hear from me, but there it is. :) My brother-in-law is in town, so craziness could ensue. Go »

2-VII-2008 or Quick Hits

1) At the bottom of my Dashboard, it says: You are not currently playing a concert with Amy Austin. Yea. And I ain't gonna! Go »

4-VIII-2006 or Dogs and Ponies and VP's, Oh, $h!t!

Heh. Today, the new VP of Agricultural Research or whatever is touring our facility, so ain't squat gonna get done. I had to spend most of the day yesterday cleaning up and making the lab basically look like no one does anything. Go »