That's why I stopped playing the Devil in Rock Block! I knew there was some reason...


Aaron Shurtleff uses this area as a dumping ground for his random thoughts... Read more »

20-II-2007 or Holy crap!

This is a most Holy of Holy days!!! I finally got a GOO before anyone else!! I'm #1! Go »

14-VIII-2009 or It's OK

Short rant: It's OK to have opinions on things. I have them, and I'm sure you have them. Just be honest that you have them. Go »

12-II-2009 or Say What Now?

I got my little Ticketmaster e-mail, about upcoming shows in my area, and I got really excited, because I looked it over quick, and I saw "An Evening With Dio"! So as I dance around the office, with "Holy Diver" running through my head and a joyous smile blossoming on my face, I look a little closer... An Evening With Il Divo. Go »

5-XI-2008 or Mentiroso!

Yeah, my espanol is muy malo. I feel like I should just come out and admit that I was probably lying yesterday. I have a habit (preference, actually) for claiming I voted for whoever wins the election, not matter whether it is true or not. Go »

10-V-2008 or Thrash Unreal!

I'm really getting into the band Against Me!. (Do you put in a period in a case like this, where the band name ends in a punctuation mark??) I really like the song Thrash Unreal (I wish I could karaoke it! Go »


Just seeing if I can get a picture of Malachi to show up here... If this works, this is Malachi's "Get that camera out of my %^&*ing face!" look! Go »