6-V-2008 or I Fell Off The Wagon
by Aaron Shurtleff on May 6, 2008

You would think after a year of quitting the cigarettes, I would be in the clear. Nope. Temptation got the best of me. :( I going to quit again, of course, but I'm sorry I even started again. I feel like crap, my throat hurts, and just feel physically drained, which I did not previously when I did the bad smoking thing. I guess that's good incentive to quit for good for real!
But I still want to smoke, which is pitiful.
Song of the day is Everything About You by Ugly Kid Joe. I am full of self-loathing, and I hate myself.
Did anyone rush out and buy the new Def Leppard album? Well, I did. ;) I haven't listened to it yet, though. Been too bust running around to devote myself to it. I am looking forward to it though.
Stick it is the worst movie I've ever watched. Yuck! I thought a movie about young female gymnasts would be pretty funny, but the best parts were in the previews.
OK, that wasn't really a spoiler, but damn that movie sucked. And, yeah, it's not too topical.
Four Replies to 6-V-2008 or I Fell Off The Wagon
Aaron Shurtleff | May 7, 2008
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Jackie Mason | May 7, 2008
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Aaron Shurtleff | May 7, 2008
Yes, Jackie, that is the very movie! Not as good as I thought. Plus, the character I thought was the main character (based on the picture on the cover of the DVD) was actually not the main character, which disappointed me. But I might have confused the two characters. I thought the girl from "Waiting" was the main character, but she wasn't.
I appreciate the support. I almost didn't say anything about falling off, but I'm trying to be honest in the blog and all. Except for certain delicate situations, I try to be honest with what I am thinking/feeling. *shrug* I'm sure anyone who reads this knows that anyways. :)
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Latest piece of happy University of Florida related e-mail that came through. I mean, it's good that they keep us informed, but I'm not driving all the way up to Gainesville for peanuts...even if they are big peanuts! Go »
24-X-2008 or GOO Con, Here I Am/Be!
Well, if all goes well, I am reading this post aloud at GOOCon. I tried to find one that I should read (and I even tried to get folks to suggest a post), but I got nothing. (Thanks guys and gals!) Go »
13-VII-2014 or What The Hell Am I Doing With My Life
Title refers to a line from the Lonely Island song "After Party" as I have no questions about what I am doing with my life. I feel like I have three or so on-line communities that I post to, apologizing for the long absence, and claiming I'm going to start coming back and not ignoring the valuable friends I haven't spoken to in ages. And, typically, this lasts a few weeks to a month, and then I am doing other things, or getting busy, or just feeling blah, and there I go dropping off the face of the Earth for another extended absence. Go »
25-IV-2007 or Ze pearl is in ze river
That's a quote from a weird movie I saw back in the day. I think it had Chevy Chase and more vertically challenged people than I can count (including the famous Billy Barty!). The details are sketchy at this point, but I believe there was a secret message to be passed to the person who gave the code phrase, "The pearl is in the river." Go »
19-I-2007 or And now for something completely different
It's Friday, so it must be time for Aaron's pointless ramblings on subjects various and nefarious, topics wonderful and blunder-full, and generally funky and spunky. Yeah, that last one wasn't so good, but the first two weren't much with the funny either. :( Anyhow, it should be an uneventful weekend, so I'm looking forward to that. Go »
Amy Austin | May 6, 2008
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