Yeah, I know. I didn't forget.


Aaron Shurtleff uses this area as a dumping ground for his random thoughts... Read more »

28-X-2009 or Finale/FAg Expo

I'm stuck at the Florida Agricultural Exposition today. Or, as it is abbreviated, FL Ag Expo. I call it the FAg Expo. Go »

14-VII-2009 or Oh. Didn't I Mention That??

Ha! I just saw the funniest thing, but I shouldn't make mention of it, since it involves images of me online on Youtube cursing and being a total dick. It's real funny, but of course, if I speak of it, or name the event, then everyone will see me being a weirdo, and they might think that's really how I roll. Go »

Today or What? I'm Drunk!

No, really. I was cleanign my fish tank. It has a bad bacteria bloom, probably because I feed the fish too much to be honest. Go »

8-VI-2007 or Time Keeps on Slippin'

Well, here we are again. How's everyone been doing? I'm doing fine. Go »

17-IV-2008 or Only To Me Can This Happen...

I have the worst funny story to tell, but I'm going to put in some filler first, so that you can't read the beginning from the main page, so if you want to read just that part, skip down a bit. I'll put in some funky asterisks (asteriski?) when the story starts. Go »

24-I-2006 or Holy crap! I'm stealing internet!

There's really no appropriate place to say, "Hey! I bought a wireless USB adapter, and I'm borrowing my neighbor's internet access!" But, I am! Go »