I am ready to go!! :) I really think we might win one tonight. If not, I'll still get to go to the bar and drink my sorrows away! We have an expression in kickball: At the end of the night, win or lose, we're all a winner at MacDinton's! MacDinton's being a fine Irish pub. MMMM! They have good food (for a bar), and you can't beat $1 Miller Lites. OK, you can do better than Lites, but the price makes it all good!! :)

I think getting into Rock Block might have been a mistake, since I really really want to be playing all the time! ;) Plus, I have this thing about completion, and I really want to get all the bands, which would be impossible, since more come in all the time, but I can't help myself. I'll retire after I pick up the band card for Scatterbrain. ;)

Song of the day: "Grandma's House of Babes" by Scatterbrain. Oh, you don't know the song, I'm sure. But you'll look. The title will suck you in, and you'll have to know. Hee hee!

And you'll wish you hadn't, I'm sure! Hee hee!

EDIT: Check Obsessions, and seriously, someone had to do it! :P


Aaron Shurtleff uses this area as a dumping ground for his random thoughts... Read more »

2-II-2007, or, I'm fine, thanks!

A quick message to those concerned (and apparently slightly confused about Florida locations): I am fine. I was not in the path of tornados. My place of employment was not in the path of tornados. Go »

Yay, a blog!

I've never had a blog (as the people here who know what an absolute technophobe I am will tell you is not surprising), so I guess this is my first step into the wonderful world of blogging. I had food poisoning last night, so my stomach is ready to bust again. Don't eat week old meatloaf is the lesson of the day. Go »

11-V-2008 or Oh, You Won't Like This...

Random filler is entered here, such that you won't see what is to come on the front page. Not that it would be so bad if you did, but I want people who read this to read this purposely, not accidentally because it was on the front page. If you read a posting called "Oh, You Won't Like This...", Go »

25-IV-2007 or Ze pearl is in ze river

That's a quote from a weird movie I saw back in the day. I think it had Chevy Chase and more vertically challenged people than I can count (including the famous Billy Barty!). The details are sketchy at this point, but I believe there was a secret message to be passed to the person who gave the code phrase, "The pearl is in the river." Go »

5-XI-2008 or Mentiroso!

Yeah, my espanol is muy malo. I feel like I should just come out and admit that I was probably lying yesterday. I have a habit (preference, actually) for claiming I voted for whoever wins the election, not matter whether it is true or not. Go »

12-VII-2009 or Dance With The Dead In My Dreams

Hey, everybody! Long time, no hear! How are you all doing today? Go »