A good day in the studio
by Tony Peters on December 2, 2011

In general this week was horrible I got Gastro and lost a half my remaining class days to finish the pair of sculptures I'm working on.......however today was good I got about 3 hours of alone time in the studio, just my my tools (a pair of angle grinders with wood cutting/shaping disks) a block of wood and a dust collector......... I put about 5 inches of chips in the dust collector and got a good start on the last piece. they are a dancing couple I call them bride and groom the groom is nearly complete I have another 8 hours on the bride.
Three Replies to A good day in the studio
Tony Peters | December 4, 2011
Thanks Scott, I finish up the power tool portion of the sculpting the Bride today and turned some tool handles on the Lathe. It was a fun and productive afternoon in the studio though I am coated in Sawdust and in desperate need of a shower
Chris Lemler | December 4, 2011
Nice work Tony
The musings of Tony Peters, a perpetual child, no matter where I am I will find a way to climb something or go skateboarding Read more »

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Scott Hardie | December 3, 2011
It's looking good so far. Sometimes taking a long break to be creative and focus your mind on a project can be just what you need to relieve stress. Kelly speaks often of the therapeutic feeling she gets sometimes while working on crafts with her hands. We spent one night of Gothic Earth constructing voodoo dolls, and one guy at the table, the least inclined to indulge in this sort of thing, said it made him feel so relaxed and happy after an aggravating day at work. I say keep at this bride & groom and feel better. :-)