well I got to work this morning and I got my holiday break back...it seems that our money guys don't want to pay to have 2 groups of people traipsing around the med at roughly the same time soooooo...they want one team to fly from end to end and then back again over a three week period and it's probably gonna end up costing as much if not more than it would for 2 teams to but and here is the part that sucks for me it'll cost less this year, and we are broke this year, Jan 1 starts are next batch of money...so I get to finish the fence, move furniture, maybe build a bed frame if I can figure out my design. On the one hand I'm kinda bummed that I don't get to go on the other hand having my first holiday season at home in a decade is something I was really looking forward to.


The musings of Tony Peters, a perpetual child, no matter where I am I will find a way to climb something or go skateboarding Read more »

Yet another funeral

one of the nice things about coming home after nearly 20 years away is that I get to see family the bad part is that the most common place to see family is at a funeral. Unlike last summer the weather was glorious so we have a couple of hundred people come to lay my Uncle Donny to rest. Everything was pretty straight until one of the grandchildren laid a Hot Wheels car of a 68 Chevelle, exactly like the one Donny drove for nearly 40 years, in the grave. Go »

hot metal

Today the the University of Rhode Island had it's first Bronze pour....it was pretty cool to watch. next year one of those guys will likely be me Go »

I guess healing requires sleep

I am exhausted...10 hours of sleep each night broken only twice for meds and yet I feel the need to sleep all day....I can barely stay awake for 2-3 hours before I fall asleep in my chair. Go »

Last day skateboarding of 2007

OK I admit that a 41 year old man finding a day of enjoyment skateboarding might sound strange but I find it centers me and provides a source of exercise that I can't find else ware. That said I spent the day working on my tuck, downhilling in a nearby neighborhood. I lost count of the number of times I went down the half mile hill my legs are feeling the hike back up (gotta earn those runs) so I'm gonna guess more than 20 times and I know I listened to at least 6 hours of music on my Ipod. Go »

Oh what a day

After spending the morning cleaning and setting up for a visit from my inlaws (looking forward to that being over) I spent the afternoon Downhill skateboarding with a bunch of guys...life is so simple with a bit of speed. I'm the 4th guy to enter the screen, Black shirt, Blue helmet, Pink wheels trying to stay in the draft of the two kids in a tight draft train. Go »

the next grand adventure..........

as a retired sailor I really thought nothing of deploying and leaving my wife with the cats and dog at home while I went off to fight wars, fix submarines and otherwise earn a living.......now the shoe is on the other foot. I am in school fulltime taking care of the cats, the dog the house and whatever else pops up while my wife and best friend moves to DC to take her dream job. Go »