Earlier this week, The Onion published another eyebrow-raiser: Actress' Abortion Written Into TV Show, with a photo of Leah Remini. Later that day, it changed without explanation into the much tamer Apple Unveils New Product-Unveiling Product. (link) Normally they never back down from a legal challenge or controversy, and good taste obviously isn't a factor, so I wonder why they changed the article. Thank goodness for search engines that archive content, huh? (link) Read it while it's still there.

Four Replies to Abortion Aborted

Anna Gregoline | March 8, 2007
I'm honestly very surprised. Did they get too much heat from the get-go, about it, I wonder?

I'm not sure how I feel about it. It's International Woman's Day today, whatever that means, and I've read more hateful articles and opinions about women today than I have in the past few months. Girls are being suspended for saying the word "vagina," there's a Salon article about how many women in Iraq are being raped by their own U.S. military "comrades," and various other disgusting things.

Amy Austin | March 11, 2007
Apparently, it's no longer "still there".

Erik Bates | March 12, 2007
[hidden by author request]

Scott Hardie | March 13, 2007
And now it's back in The Onion again, this time with King of Queens and Leah Remini changed to fictional surrogates: (link)

Logical Operator

The creator of Funeratic, Scott Hardie, blogs about running this site, losing weight, and other passions including his wife Kelly, his friends, movies, gaming, and Florida. Read more »

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