You don't think about how much unnecessary stuff you own until you're paying someone by the hour to move it all.

After Kelly and I moved into our new home last night, here's the current state of our living room, guest room, and garage.

The house is a mess, and so are we. The water heater wasn't on until just a few minutes ago, so we haven't bathed since before dawn yesterday. We're just keeping busy, making a growing pile of empty boxes in the dining room as we unpack.

The appointments haven't stopped, either. We've made multiple errands to hook up utilities, start pool and lawn service, and get repairs done. We have someone at our house right now wiring up electrical and networking cables in the walls. Tomorrow is new furniture delivery. Monday is a deep-cleaning of the old house. We're trying to schedule more repairs after that. The list of things that we need to do, buy, fix, order, and investigate keeps growing.

And family is coming for Christmas in twelve days.

We'll get through this. This move happens to be a very complicated one, but we've been fortunate enough to be able to hire help for things that we would have had to do ourselves in the past, so it hasn't been as exhausting as it could have been. I am in sore need of sleep after going without so often in recent weeks, but there should be time enough for that soon.

I look forward to getting back to Funeratic and the rest of my regular life soon, probably after the holidays. In case I don't get another chance to say it in time, I hope that everyone reading this has a very merry Christmas.

A project for 2017: Own fewer things.

One Reply to Moving Day

Kelly Lee | December 14, 2016
Maybe YOUR project for 2017.

Logical Operator

The creator of Funeratic, Scott Hardie, blogs about running this site, losing weight, and other passions including his wife Kelly, his friends, movies, gaming, and Florida. Read more »

R.I.P. Katie

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Pigeon Panic

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