They should. I love the taste of homemade pumpkin pie. I almost didn't marry Brenda when she told me she couldn't make one but I thankfully reconsidered. Here's some pumpkin/jack-o-lantern links:

Clever alternative to pumpkin autopsy - Painted Pumpkins

Good old-fashioned punkin' carving with unique results.

Coolest/sickest punkin' lawn decoration.

Two Replies to Do Pumpkins Exist Outside Of These Fall Holidays?

Lori Lancaster | October 14, 2008
[hidden by author request]

Tony Peters | October 14, 2008
Sorry I have never been able to eat pumpkin pie....makes me nauseous just smelling one cooking,

Web Junkie

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How Much For A Pint, Mate?

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Collection of Weird & Wonderful Links

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Absurd One-Shots

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What Goes Up...

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