Taking Bets for 2021
by Steve West on November 27, 2020

Volcano? Locusts? Asteroid? New Nickelback album?
One Reply to Taking Bets for 2021
Web Junkie
Steve West scours the Web searching for interest or absurdity and then shakes his head ruefully when he finds it. Read more »

Vacation 2010
We took a real vacation this year albeit the travel was not a great distance. We packed up and went to Williamsburg, Va. It's a three-pronged vacation place that includes Busch Gardens amusement park, Water Country, USA and Colonial Williamsburg itself. Go »
That Guy With The Glasses
Small representative sample of the films presented "in 5 seconds". Several are inspired by the original joke and many last more than 5 seconds, but all are abridged to hilarious result. These are my favorites: Rocky I, II, III, IV, V, & VI; Scarface; Snakes On A Plane; Titanic; and Gladiator. Go »
As much as I admire the shadow creations, I know I wouldn't be able to stand having the pile of trash responsible sitting in the middle of my rec room. Seriously, how many have a "gallery" in their home. Go »
Art Imitates Life
I had a flat tire this morning and it momentarily bummed me out. I ran over a bolt and could see it sticking out of the damned thing. I really didn't feel like crawling around on the oily pavement in my work clothes, so I called roadside assistance provided by my insurance carrier. Go »
Halloween Post #6: Celebrities In Costume
Small sampling of early costume parties. I don't remember vampires draping themselves in roadkill but what do I know. And Diddy looks like he's holding the head of Elvis. Go »
Scott Hardie | November 27, 2020
Dude, don't tempt fate.
I'd bet on more of the same environmental calamities: hurricanes and wildfires and maybe derechos, which I just learned are not spelled derechoes-with-an-e even though they can produce tornadoes-with-an-e. Likely more economic pain as Congress continues not to provide relief to a public that badly needs all the help it can get. Maybe some side effects from a COVID-19 vaccine, hopefully nothing on the scale of the Cutter Incident. And of course, the continued disintegration and polarization of American society; that much sadly seems like a given at this point.
But I'm hopeful for a better 2021, actually. If a vaccine that is declared safe -- if Fauci takes it, that's good enough for me -- is widely distributed and taken, maybe we'll only have to go through one holiday season without seeing loved ones. I'm as eager for this to be over with as anyone.