Washed up on the shores of my PC.

In the spirit of Monty Python & The Holy Grail intro, "Those responsible for sacking the people who have just been sacked have been sacked," comes this notice.
Beautiful pictures of a fairly clever notion, holding the sun.
My new work watch to go with my new work hat.
Clever advertising uses for eggs.
Very entertaining improv musical at the food court.
Fantastic images of a complete rainbow.
Cheap parental advice: if your child has a serial killer bobblehead, counseling may be in order.
Stand-up (sort of) of the week: Lewis Black

Two Replies to Driftwood

Amy Austin | March 24, 2008
What a nice way to start my Monday... thanks for those sun pics, Steve! ;-) (Love the cactus! ;-D)

Amy Austin | March 24, 2008
Awesome watch. My only suggestion for improvement would be a feature that told you where "somewhere" is at any given moment.

Web Junkie

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Christmas Post #9: Black Friday And Other Spending Matters

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It's Saturday And You Know What That Means...

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