Removing links like a giant hair clog.

Odd little internet games.
Big thumbnail list of T-shirts - a few are pretty funny.
Pickup Dropoff. Really scary situation if you can see the perspective.
Amazing tumbling run by a remarkable gymnast.
100 Movies That Every Guy Must See. I recommend them to everyone, myself.
Latest addition to your canned food menu.
The Fretting Zoo A pretty funny daily strip by Roland Rhodes.
Latest addition to Barbie's Dream House.
Stand-up of the Day: Denis Leary

Web Junkie

Steve West scours the Web searching for interest or absurdity and then shakes his head ruefully when he finds it. Read more »

Just As I Suspected...

A panel of experts (a group of listeners to Britain's BBC 6) have determined the worst duet in history. Obviously this group has no credentials or necessarily any credibility and history is such a long time. But that's a pretty good vote if schmaltz makes a song bad. Go »

It's Saturday And You Know What That Means...

Shopping Day. I went grocery shopping earlier today because I had the afternoon free and I prefer to get it done when I have the chance as opposed to shopping at night because that's the only time available after a full day's activity. Added bonus: no UOAS. Go »

Halloween Is For The Cats

Lest our feline readers feel left out, follow the links to some pretty cool costumed cats. They really look a lot more regal than their canine counterparts. Satan's kitty Earl, the cross-eyed cowboy kitty I am Me-owl from Krypton There isn't any garlic in that catnip, is there? Go »

Halloween Post #6: Celebrities In Costume

Small sampling of early costume parties. I don't remember vampires draping themselves in roadkill but what do I know. And Diddy looks like he's holding the head of Elvis. Go »

Ten Times Bliss

Brenda and I just finished putting the girls to bed. We picked them up from Grandma's a little earlier because she was babysitting while Brenda and I celebrated our tenth anniversary. Just a brief opportunity to spend some time together on a school night. Go »

Such As It Is...

Best stuff I found this week. Christmas stuff you either can't afford or shouldn't buy anyway. Spectacular pieces of sculpture made from the incredible, edible egg. Go »