Steve: I love you.
Brenda: I love you more.
Steve: Holy shit, really? Will you marry me?

(just kidding)

In reality, in the living room of the house we shared, we were sitting on the couch. I steered the conversation to clever ways I've seen videos of various proposals (ballpark big screens, singing telegrams, etc.). Inevitably, she said I hope you don't do anything like that when you propose. I assured her I would not and offered her a demonstration of how it would probably happen. I got to my knees while she was still sitting and told her I'd probably say some mushy stuff like, "The best thing in life to hold onto is each other." I then reached under the couch where I had stashed her engagement ring box. I presented it and she displayed some incredulity. I opened it and asked her to marry me. She thought I was still joking until she saw that the ring was real. Then she started crying with joyous tears. I then told her that I had already spoken to her Father and gotten his blessing (renewed set of tears). Through her tears, she was able to choke out, "Yes".

Two Replies to How Steve Proposed

Matthew Preston | April 12, 2021
Beautiful story.

Scott Hardie | April 12, 2021
Excellent story. Your proposal was smart and sentimental. I wouldn't expect any less from you. :-)

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