Japanese Terebi Game Shows 3
by Steve West on October 21, 2007

Operation: Make Amy Laugh. Another (and probably last) collection of wacky game show clips from television in Japan. Clockwork Creampuff; Painful Eliminations; Tricycling Idiots; and Treadmill Hurdles. They're pretty outrageous and sometimes downright stupid. Some I just don't get at all but laugh anyway.
Three Replies to Japanese Terebi Game Shows 3
Steve West | October 21, 2007
Fixed broken link. Funny that the one I found funniest was the clock hands into the cream pie show. And boulder guy cracked me up too.
Amy Austin | October 21, 2007
Well, the creampuff clock was amusing, too... I think I just forgot about it after the two boulder guy. Please do keep them coming... ;-)
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Amy Austin | October 21, 2007
Thanks for the thought, Steve... Results: a few quarter-smiles and a chuckle and a half -- one from the guy hit by two boulders and the half from treadmill hurdles (which is a broken link, btw... but to slake my thirst for a laugh, I looked it up). I'm not sure why two boulders guy was the funniest -- it looked an awful lot like "hit 'em when they're down"... which I guess is an awful lot funnier on a Japanese game show than in real life.
Sometimes, I try to imagine Americans having these kinds of shows and what they'd be saying... I can't help but wonder how much funnier it might be if I knew Japanese. Similarly, I wonder if the MXC narrations are true translations or just some Americans doing it MST 3000 style... I think it's the latter, but with those ridiculous robes that the hosts wear... one can never tell...