My brother is a collector of sorts. He has various bits of Civil War memorabilia, Washington Redskins gear, and science fiction flotsam from Star Trek and Star Wars. If these toys actually existed, he'd be one of the first in line. I am going to wrap a box of pebbles and dirt and call it Alderaan. That's hilarious and I bet he'll love it and center it on his mantle. Especially with the commemorative authentication certificate that I'll provide.

One Reply to Christmas Post # 18: It's The Force, Not An Empty Box

Lori Lancaster | December 6, 2007
[hidden by author request]

Web Junkie

Steve West scours the Web searching for interest or absurdity and then shakes his head ruefully when he finds it. Read more »

I Died a Spy

Recent conversation with Brenda: Me: When I die, I want people to believe I led a double life. Brenda: How and more importantly, why? Me: Try to respect my dying wish. Go »

Worst Pun Ever

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Vacation Week II

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Duncan Hunter, Bottom-dweller.

Comedy Central created a side-by-side comparison with presidential candidates paired with their superhero counterpart. Duncan Hunter, bottom-dweller. God, that's funny. Go »

Sages And Fools

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Winch Ahoy

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