It's too late now but I should have taken and posted a picture of my quaint (translation: small) front yard. Brenda and I (translation: Brenda) decided that in order to sell our house at a more attractive price, it should look more attractive to potential buyers. Makes sense, I guess. Somehow I knew that it meant I had to do the bulk of the actual work. I'm trying not to sound too whiney here but damn, the smallest of materials for this job seems to weigh no less than 100 lbs. Blocks for edging, decorative river stones, new sod, bulk gardening soil, etc. That's not including the stuff that's already there that needs disposing (a couple of bushes with needle sharp leaves and a lot of excess dirt). The picture would be the 'Before' photo to stand beside the 'After' one when I finish this December, maybe. I'm kidding about the timeline but three weekends later it sure seems conceivable. I'm about halfway finished and depending on how it looks, I'll post a picture of the finished result. Maybe. If it looks bad, I'll post it after I think of somebody else to blame for the sorry appearance.

Three Replies to Landscaping

Jackie Mason | September 27, 2009
[hidden by author request]

Scott Hardie | December 10, 2009
Any update? Did you get a photo before the snow arrived?

Steve West | December 10, 2009
We're finished and it's a serviceable if not spectacular job. The photo I took was crappy and I didn't feel like posting it. We're happy with it but that's about as complimentary as I can get about it. Thanks for asking.

Web Junkie

Steve West scours the Web searching for interest or absurdity and then shakes his head ruefully when he finds it. Read more »

Winch Ahoy

The fourth Sunday of each month, a local boating organization offers free sailing to children with disabilities. They're called Chesapeake Region Accessible Boating (CRAB). We've been trying for months to go but stuff happened each weekend. Go »

East Meets West

So, good friends of ours, Lauren's godparents, invited our family to join them for a birthday dinner at a local Japanese steakhouse, Sakura. I've always wanted to go to one of these but until last night never had the opportunity. The girls are finicky eaters so prospects looked pretty slim. Go »

Dumb Criminals And Other Court Type Stuff Part 2

Another collection of dumb criminals/lawsuits. Over-salted burger; anger management irony; the writing is on the wall dope; porn = pain; and finally, from the "What Did They Expect?" department, Unwanted donation . Go »

What Goes Up...

Lauren and I went on that rock climbing event that she won during daddy/daughter bingo night. I corresponded with her principal, a nice guy who does this often. I asked him what I needed to bring besides bandages and his only recommendation was loose clothing. Go »

Really Cheap Costumes

Looking for a great photo for a future Halloween section in that photo album you can show the grandkids? Just wear one of these T-shirts. And then get arrested. Go »

I Tap My Magic Wand

This is just the coolest fountain. It may appear photoshopped but this actually has a pipe hidden within the water flow that supplies the water. I really have hopes that when I buy "Barbie's Dream House" (the euphemism my daughter and I use for our future house), a smaller version of this will be in my library. Go »