Mix of the best stuff I found this week.

More drunk pwned photos.
Do you dress like a douchebag?
Hilarious science fair experiments. How were a lot of these approved?
Best Picture Oscar winners in posters.
One panel cartoon of "How Grandma Sees The Remote".
Facilitating your need to sleep at work.
A Snapshot Of Impending Doom.
Standup of the week: Dave Chapelle.

Web Junkie

Steve West scours the Web searching for interest or absurdity and then shakes his head ruefully when he finds it. Read more »

Dog Lovers Unite

Recent conversation with Brenda: Me: I watched the neighbor's dog for an hour the other day. Brenda: That was nice of you. Me: I let him off the leash and a cop came up to me a few minutes later and said my dog has been seen chasing a guy on a bicycle. Go »

Slip Slidin' Away

Why do adults get on children's slides? Compilation film of various acidents, big, small, young, and old. The fifth clip in of the guy going down the water slide head first sans kid almost gave me a brain hemorrhage from laughing. Go »

Mythbusters Or Bust

Every Mythbusters myth on one page. Organized by "confirmed", "busted", or "partial" - 308 up to this point. Indispensible reference if you're into this show, moderately interesting for those of us without cable. Go »

When Fabio Meets Scatological Humor

Mark Longmire hosts an eclectic website. My favorite section is where he re-titles romance novels and photoshops the new title on the cover. Hilarity ensues. Go »

That Guy With The Glasses

Small representative sample of the films presented "in 5 seconds". Several are inspired by the original joke and many last more than 5 seconds, but all are abridged to hilarious result. These are my favorites: Rocky I, II, III, IV, V, & VI; Scarface; Snakes On A Plane; Titanic; and Gladiator. Go »

Sages And Fools

UOAS has been wonderfully absent from the grocery for the last month. Paradise only lasts so long, however. UOAS: (Eyeing the 3 lbs of sirloins on sweet sale) That's a lot of steaks, having a barbecue? Go »