OK I admit that a 41 year old man finding a day of enjoyment skateboarding might sound strange but I find it centers me and provides a source of exercise that I can't find else ware. That said I spent the day working on my tuck, downhilling in a nearby neighborhood. I lost count of the number of times I went down the half mile hill my legs are feeling the hike back up (gotta earn those runs) so I'm gonna guess more than 20 times and I know I listened to at least 6 hours of music on my Ipod. I wasn't alone in my Sunday afternoon endeavor, there were another 7 folks from CT, RI and MA taking advantage of good weather and a clean road and we had an audience. Nearly 40 or 50 people including a Ct state trooper spent at least half hour watching us fly down the hill at speeds in the high 30's and low 40's. We carried on great conversations with the folks whose neighborhood we were enjoying....as the day wore on the State Trooper broke out his radar gun and started shooting speed checks on us at the bottom of the hill. I think the fastest anyone went was nearly 50mph but they were in a draft train (think NASCAR); the top solo speeds were in the mid 40's. I set a new personal best of 44.7mph which astounded the officer when I returned for my speed slip and he saw how old I was as I pulled off my full face helmet. It was funny how a bunch of 20 something to 40 somethings (I was not the oldest) impacted a neighborhood such a positive manner doing something that a few years ago would have had the same officer responding in a much less favorable manner.


The musings of Tony Peters, a perpetual child, no matter where I am I will find a way to climb something or go skateboarding Read more »

world traveler

Well I'm finally home after 2 1/2 weeks of wandering the earth...Diego Garcia is the definition of tropical paradise...granted the only things to do are exercise or drink and I'm not a drinker...long Go »

Music....my life got a bit easier

I have a music fetish....I collect it and organize it and listen to it all day long....I am likely addicted to my shuffle, the New Itunes 8 just made my life so easy....Genius Go »

I guess healing requires sleep

I am exhausted...10 hours of sleep each night broken only twice for meds and yet I feel the need to sleep all day....I can barely stay awake for 2-3 hours before I fall asleep in my chair. Go »

Yet another funeral

one of the nice things about coming home after nearly 20 years away is that I get to see family the bad part is that the most common place to see family is at a funeral. Unlike last summer the weather was glorious so we have a couple of hundred people come to lay my Uncle Donny to rest. Everything was pretty straight until one of the grandchildren laid a Hot Wheels car of a 68 Chevelle, exactly like the one Donny drove for nearly 40 years, in the grave. Go »

Seriously I am running...

OK maybe running isn't quite the best description especially since I am mostly running/jogging on trails but who would have thought that after 20 years of hating running (and that's an understatement) while in the Navy I am finding trailrunning soo much fun. This all started last fall when I decided that after 4 years the screws in my ankle were still annoying me. Removal isn't an option as recovery from that is a year of minimal exercise/stress which means I couldn't even swim or ride a bike. Go »


OK so since the summer my creative obsession has been growing. It started in my drawing 2 class with a professor who would turn out to be the man who has completely changed how I both look at and create art, Ben Anderson is an interesting man The first serious piece of the semester was Morf, a Gargoyle I created using mostly found metal from a local bike shop (I have taken to visiting on a weekly basis to acquire additional materials....Morf was the first time I have had a piece of art that I am woking to create completely dominate my thoughts. Go »