Yet another funeral
by Tony Peters on August 13, 2007

one of the nice things about coming home after nearly 20 years away is that I get to see family the bad part is that the most common place to see family is at a funeral. Unlike last summer the weather was glorious so we have a couple of hundred people come to lay my Uncle Donny to rest. Everything was pretty straight until one of the grandchildren laid a Hot Wheels car of a 68 Chevelle, exactly like the one Donny drove for nearly 40 years, in the grave. At that point we all were in tears, the car was such a part of his relationship with our whole family, hell he taught me how to do an oil change on it one Xmas when I was 12-13 maybe. Anyway seeing so much of the family I grew up with even on such a somber occasion was such a great time i got to to see cousins that I haven't seen in 2 decades some even live only an hour away. Now that I'm home I can start renewing contacts with so many that I have been unable to see for so long
One Reply to Yet another funeral
The musings of Tony Peters, a perpetual child, no matter where I am I will find a way to climb something or go skateboarding Read more »

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Lori Lancaster | August 13, 2007
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