Over Programed
by Tony Peters on September 3, 2008

True to my nature I only ever seem to be happy when I have too much on my plate...I'm reading 2 books and working on an online Photoshop CS3 class (I really want my Adobe Certified Expert before I retire). However the biggest impact on my life has been my wife and I starting P90X...we both decided we needed a kick in the butt to get in shape and P90 is a kick. There is nothing really that hard about it though the intensity keeps you burning for hours afterwards my appetite has jumped and my body is sore but I feel better than I have in a long time and if I can fit into my motorcycle leathers next spring....bonus
The musings of Tony Peters, a perpetual child, no matter where I am I will find a way to climb something or go skateboarding Read more »

down 40
I stepped on the scale this morning and it read 195....I have run out of holes on my belt and none of my shorts fit... for the most part this is because I ride this bike 5-6 days a week and I'm eating healthy. Go »
A good day in the studio
In general this week was horrible I got Gastro and lost a half my remaining class days to finish the pair of sculptures I'm working on.......however today was good I got about 3 hours of alone time in the studio, just my my tools (a pair of angle grinders with wood cutting/shaping disks) a block of wood and a dust collector......... I put about 5 inches of chips in the dust collector and got a good start on the last piece. Go »
Have Passport will travel
I wasn't halfway through my first cup of coffee this morning when my boss walked in and said "do you want to go to Crete for a week?" Duh!!! like i would turn down a trip to greece...the Go »
Seriously I am running...
OK maybe running isn't quite the best description especially since I am mostly running/jogging on trails but who would have thought that after 20 years of hating running (and that's an understatement) while in the Navy I am finding trailrunning soo much fun. This all started last fall when I decided that after 4 years the screws in my ankle were still annoying me. Removal isn't an option as recovery from that is a year of minimal exercise/stress which means I couldn't even swim or ride a bike. Go »
Driving in europe.
OK one of the more enjoyable part of my job is the fact that I get to drive overseas. Part of this is due to the fact that I have had an international diving permit for 7 years now and another part is that I am actually used to driving on the wrong side of the road. (3 years in Japan). Go »