Well now that my little goo is expired I can mention how our Halloween party went. I think it went OK. A few people knew who we were pretending to be. I think Darrin looks particularly convincing as the New Number 2. I guess I am glad that not *everyone* in the world got the goo :-). It was supposed to say, "This goo is not number 1118" as I wanted to avoid using the phrase "not a number" to make it just a tiny bit less obvious, but we can chalk that phrasing difference up to my inability to communicate.

Here we are. By the way, a highly budget-conscious person should never purchase a fleece scarf for $6 when they can instead go to Walmart and have the fleece cut to the desired width for an instant scarf for less than a dollar, as we did :P. Need I mention how much I hate pictures of myself? I think not. I'm sure everyone realizes that about me already.

Four Replies to Late Halloween post

Jackie Mason | November 4, 2007
[hidden by author request]

Denise Sawicki | November 4, 2007
If you mean the guy on "the" right rather than "my" right, we thought ourselves that he kind of looks like George Washington :P. That is Darrin (with the scarf and umbrella) as number 2. The one in the white-edged blazer is my husband Darrell as Number 6.

Amy Austin | November 5, 2007
HAHAHA... I'm glad I wasn't the only one -- I was hesitant to say anything, but "George Washington" was *exactly* what I was thinking... ;-D

Scott Hardie | November 6, 2007
I still think those outfits turned out pretty darn cool. Well done, Denise. :-)

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