So we discovered that the limited edition "holiday" flavors of that Swiss chocolate are secretly on sale for 90% off... so we went and bought out all the gingerbread chocolate from the Target stores in Fargo and Moorhead, haha. We are so evil. Gingerbread is a pretty good flavor but I still prefer cinnamon and blood orange. This after a day of Darrell and Darrin getting all the free birthday food they could find...

One Reply to Free stuff bandits

Lori Lancaster | January 11, 2008
[hidden by author request]

Prayer for the Paranoid

Denise Sawicki posts whatever she feels able to post without serious consequences Read more »

Writing frightening verse to a buck-toothed girl in Luxembourg

The identity of my birthday RB card will be public soon enough, I'm sure, so I figured I'd write a little about it. I won't state its identity outright, in hopes that I can encourage anyone who's not familiar to click the link :P. First, I didn't know a "wimpy" band could wind up ranking quite so high. Go »

Why have I not checked this show out before?...

So I happened to find disk 1.1 of Queer as Folk (American version) at the library and it is rare to see disk 1.1 of anything so I checked it out. Go »

I wish I wasn't such a freakin idiot about cars

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Insecurity, North Dakota weather

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Found things, jerkishness, fuzziness

This morning I found my black pants that have been gone for nigh on a year. They weren't even anywhere weird. They were just on the floor in the closet. Go »


I just get so frustrated. I want my husband to be happy but the things he's decided will make him happy are completely out of our control (success at music). I wish something good would happen for him finally. Go »