Weather - the most boring conversational topic?!?
by Denise Sawicki on April 30, 2008

Well, perhaps not if you live in ND, I dunno. There's snow on the ground *and* dandelions in the lawn right now. That's a first, at least in my memory. But you don't really notice these things so much until you have to take care of them yourself, I guess. There's rumors of another snowstorm coming this weekend, which is completely nuts. I thought the last 3 snowstorms were too much, particularly the one this past weekend. Oh I know I was just saying how annoying it is when the weather's good enough for people other than me to be outside. I guess I change my mind a lot. :P I suppose all this cold and snow is going to be explained in some twisted way by global "warming"... :-)
In other news I'm obsessed with Viva Pinata. Darrell read somewhere that it's "very, very easy" to get all 1000 achievement points on that game. I don't know what that person who said that was smoking. Perhaps I'm just stupid but it's a hard game. It would be impossible if you didn't read online help. I am a bit too impatient to avoid the online help entirely. Man there are some crazy things you need to do if you want to keep all the different kinds of mean pinatas from attacking your nice pinatas. I know I am spelling pinata wrong, thank you spell checker. Well I sure hope I wasn't meant to be smart enough to figure out all that stuff on my own. Even with online help there's still a lot of difficulties, and a lot of sitting around and waiting. Incidentally this is an example of something very boring that I like to do. I am sure my tc post on the topic of past lives was offensive. I'm just an offensive person I guess.
Two Replies to Weather - the most boring conversational topic?!?
Jackie Mason | May 2, 2008
[hidden by author request]
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Scott Hardie | May 1, 2008
It's been colder late in the spring here too, although that doesn't mean much. Snow in May is just wrong.