It looks like it's Deja vu all over again for me. I'm heading into Kansas City Mo to bowl in another tournament :).....I have been pleased with the way I have been bowling here lately. Let's see if I could do alot better in downtown Kansas City Mo from what I did at Independence Mo. I really hope I can do better and at least shoot well enough to advance from Kansas City to Las Vegas!!!!!! It's gonna be another exciting day in March when I go. I know I have support from my family to bowl good :) So when the time comes I will let everyone know how I do.

Two Replies to Looks like this a repeat for me

Scott Hardie | February 24, 2012
Good luck! I know you'll have fun no matter what. :-)

Chris Lemler | February 24, 2012
Yeah hoping that I do better this time then last time.....But no matter what I have achieved so much in my life right now but it would really be a big achievement if I can go to Vegas.. But I am just there to focus on that round first then think ahead.

Coaching Tips

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