What person decided to throw a guess like that in there when the clue was Mrs. Goldblum, I presume? Messed up but too funny. And wouldn't that answer be right? :)

Coaching Tips

Bowling Coach, Chris Lemler Read more »

The Rock Vs Cena

If anyone watches WWE who are they picking between the Rock Vs Cena. Me I am picking the People's Champ Go »

Halloween is a good day to dress up

I went to work as my boss on Halloween and when I did it was so funny cause I check with my store manager to make sure it was alright with him but he told me he would need a couple days to think about the idea. So when it took a couple of days I saw him in his office and asked him if he thought about the idea and he told me that it was okay. So when Halloween came I dressed up like him and he was okay with the idea at first and then he got really mad about it. Go »

Super Bowl

Watching the super bowl with my dad and I am so rooting for the New York Giants to win but I was hoping that a different team would of got in, But enjoying the game. Looking forward to the halftime show. It ought to be really good....Kelly Go »

Its Hard To Be The Only One Doing All The Work.

This year for me at work has been a mess. A few weeks alot of guys quit or got fired. I was working with three guys overnight but, now Monday just made overnights tougher and harder. Go »

I think it's time for me to start drinking Corona Beer.

My nephew was suppose to have a recital today and we were all supposed to go. Well the odd thing is I started feeling like a big pile of crap. I had a headache and decided to lay down Friday morning. Go »

Looking forward in 2012

I have been doing a lot of thinking last year for my goals this year. 1. Try and help kids get better and better at bowling. Go »