My nephew was suppose to have a recital today and we were all supposed to go. Well the odd thing is I started feeling like a big pile of crap. I had a headache and decided to lay down Friday morning. I woke up and still had a headache and achy body and a fever. So I thought well it's probably the 24 hour bug. So I called off work couldn't get any sleep so I decide I was gonna take a home Covid test. I thought it was a good idea before everyone went to my nephews recital and guess what it came back positive. The only thing I wish for is prayers right now. Symptoms ain't bad just feel like shit. But one day at a time. The best thing it's like a little many vacation from

Five Replies to I think it's time for me to start drinking Corona Beer.

Scott Hardie | May 21, 2022
Oh no! That's too bad, especially to happen on this particular day, but at least you got the test result before going and were able to cancel. I know you've all been exceedingly careful and I salute you for it. Feel better soon, Chris!

Chris Lemler | May 21, 2022
I will thx

Evie Totty | May 21, 2022
Feel better! (I literally just ordered all the available home tests yesterday - this is the third round and if you didn't get the first two, you can grab them as well. So we are getting like 24 in our delivery lol.)

Steve West | May 21, 2022
Get well! Time to kick some COVID ass! Get lots of rest.

Chris Lemler | May 21, 2022
Thanks guys I appreciate that

Coaching Tips

Bowling Coach, Chris Lemler Read more »

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