Thanks to Lori for sending me this:

Hello Kitty crop circle

That gets me thinking: Do you think if people hadn't had the idea for crop circles until a decade later that the fad would have even happened? In this decade we have the tools on personal computers to fake images like this with photo-perfect results, and hoaxers could just distribute photos with the click of a mouse. Photos have been doctored for decades, of course, but now your grandma can do it, you know?

Hey grandma, nice photoshop of Mel Gibson into Triumph of the Will on worth1000 this weekend.

Two Replies to Mars Needs Kitties

Jackie Mason | August 8, 2006
[hidden by author request]

Anna Gregoline | August 8, 2006
I have no idea when crop circles first started appearing (internet sources vary) but I saw one quoted at 1890! A larger concensus seems to be around 1960...

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