I love it when two teenagers ring up and bag my groceries.

"Did you ever see that Nicolas Cage movie about 9/11? I watched that last night, and, like, it got me thinking about how bad that was."

"Yeah it was bad! I'll tell you how bad it was. I lived in Connecticut and we used to go down once a year to the Twin Towers and the Statue of Liberty. And now we can't."

"Yeah, but, like, think how many people were in that building."

"I guess going up to Connecticut's going to be pretty boring now."


"I just don't get war. Like, why would you want to give your life for something? That's, like, so crappy."

Four Replies to World Trade, Like, Something

Lori Lancaster | August 24, 2007
[hidden by author request]

Tony Peters | August 25, 2007
another reason why mandatory service to country would be a good thing

Jackie Mason | August 26, 2007
[hidden by author request]

Anna Gregoline | August 27, 2007
I still can't get over a quote (I'll have to paraphrase) I saw in an article about kids and 9/11 - one kid said, "It wasn't until I saw the 9/11 movie that I felt it was at all real."

Dramatized things seeming more real than actual news coverage is a startling indictment of our media culture.

Logical Operator

The creator of Funeratic, Scott Hardie, blogs about running this site, losing weight, and other passions including his wife Kelly, his friends, movies, gaming, and Florida. Read more »

Thorough Performance Reviews

I'm not around much this week because it's time for the annual performance reviews at work. I'm staying up till the wee hours each night writing the reviews so that the two-day marathon of face-to-face chats at the end of the week will go well. It's a win-win: For the employees doing a great job, it's my chance to offer serious praise without it sounding phony or arbitrary. Go »


The 20th Century Fox sequel "Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer" debuted as the No. 1 weekend flick with $57.4 million in sales, slightly surpassing the $56.1 Go »

Summer of Suck II

Science says that complaining is bad for you, but sometimes it helps me feel better, so I'm going to do it anyway. It's my blog and I can cry if I want to. Summer has arrived and I'm miserable. Go »

Pico de Greedo

On Friday, my company threw a part Mexican, part Star Wars party in celebration of Cinco de Mayo and Star Wars Day ("May the 4th be with you"). It was a weird combination but it worked, with games like a lightsaber piñata bash. Kelly made "lightsabers" (pretzel rods frosted with blue and red frosting), but she really got interested when I mentioned that the salsa contest offered three prizes and only had three teams on the signup sheet. Go »

Thank You Mario! But Our Princess is in Another Castle!

(link) Go »

Eschew Obfuscation

For any FIN players wondering where in the hell the game is: I used my little free time over last weekend writing a mini-post – three whopping paragraphs – and at the end of the weekend I just couldn't bear to publish it so short. (The title of this post was the planned title of that post.) I have now rearranged my social so that weekends are more free, and one thing I plan to do with the time is resume writing FIN, starting this weekend by expanding my three paragraphs into more like three pages. Go »