Midevil Mayhem
by Scott Hardie on August 23, 2006

On Sunday evening, besides indulging in a few rounds of the ever-popular Munchkin with Miah, Ines, and her boss Denise, we tried one round of Midevil, a spinoff of the apparently bestselling Zombies!!! game that my St. Pete friends will recognize. The game was ok I guess, with good opportunities to help or hurt your fellow players and the same baffling rules as the original, but my main question after playing it is: Who in the world comes up with the standard playing time for these things? Both Zombies!!! and Midevil are advertised as requiring 60 minutes to play, but by the time we passed the three-hour mark in each game we were thoroughly tired of it. Also, after Zombies!!!, I was convinced the game would be improved if special-event items were not tied to the buildings of origin (you could play them anywhere) and if the ammunition and health tokens were larger than Rice Krispies so they were a little easier to pick up, but now I've been proven wrong: Midevil doesn't suffer from either of those problems and it's not any more fun. I want to like the games, but there's just something lacking in them.
The newest Munchkin variation, based on a superspies and 007, is about to be released to stores, and I'll dutifully pick it up like a good little SJG slave. Here's one fan wishing for a Munchkin Idol game based on Hollywood and the pop music business.
Logical Operator
The creator of Funeratic, Scott Hardie, blogs about running this site, losing weight, and other passions including his wife Kelly, his friends, movies, gaming, and Florida. Read more »

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