Looking forward in 2012
by Chris Lemler on January 29, 2012

I have been doing a lot of thinking last year for my goals this year.
1. Try and help kids get better and better at bowling.
2. Try and coach myself on how to get along with all bosses.
3. Praying that I can get a 40 hour job at my work. etc.
I never ever have taken my own advice on stuff. I always say one thing and I always end up doing the other, but I have found a solution to that, Go to work do my job then come home and relax. I always like giving advice when needed about bowling. On Saturdays I go out and have a blast helping the kids do better. It always makes me feel good to see them put a smile on their face when they throw a strike or get a spare. ( Some kids can't be taught). When I can and have spare money I give my money to the gambling boat by losing it there :( . The best thing I have is my great parents. I sometimes wonder why parents are so hard on their kids well I figured that out........It's to keep me out of trouble at home and work.....LOL but, I always listen NOW!!!!!!! The other thing is hoping that I can get to come to GOOCON again. Last year was the very first year I went and it was fun seeing Scott, Justin, Joanna, Erik, Kelly, and Jackie and then later that night met Russ. Meeting other people at another goo con would be good like Steve West, Ryan, Steve Dunn, etc. I am gonna be getting a new car this year and maybe do some more traveling cause I don't get out much. If anybody needs good "ole' coaching tips on bowling this coach will be willing to help anyone out to get there score up. I really enjoy being on this site playing with all these great competitors in PP and the goo's. When people look at me they always can see the best in me. Hope this year goes good for everyone on the site and continues being great competitors!!!!!! Hope to see new faces at other GooCons. And I am always ready for the great challenges in PP :)
Seven Replies to Looking forward in 2012
Chris Lemler | February 1, 2012
Well I go and get a new car I should be in good shape.....Id like driving very far with a 8 year old car but once I get this new car then i have to see if i can get off work......Well you always make it fun on the site and at the last goocon
Steve West | February 1, 2012
Another GooCon would be great. Keeping my fingers crossed and Brenda's twisted behind her back. That should work.
Scott Hardie | February 2, 2012
The house from last fall is still available, I see. The "for sale" sign in the yard gave me concern that it wouldn't be around for another year. Granted, this is only (barely) February, and we're still a few months away from deciding and booking. But if we decide to have another on in St Louis, and that house is still available, it's a sure bet that we'll have it at that house.
The Paris adventure of Gothic Earth that we played at GooCon is now influencing the regular game.
Steve West | February 2, 2012
GooCon in Paris. I'm liking the sound of that.
Scott Hardie | February 2, 2012
We'd be lucky to make it to the French pavilion at Epcot.
Chris Lemler | February 2, 2012
Well I had fun playing all the games In St.Louis But if you decide to have it there it there again, That house was big and roomy. The beds were nice and the deck was a beautiful view and meeting everyone was a pleasure :)
Coaching Tips
Bowling Coach, Chris Lemler Read more »

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Scott Hardie | February 1, 2012
Those sound like good resolutions to me. It's funny that we can be so good at helping others to improve and be so bad at improving ourselves.
I'm looking forward to GooCon 2012 too! I'm just in the early planning stages. I'd love to see one or both of the Dunns show up too, and Steve West again, and a bunch of other people. It was great seeing you, Chris, and I hope you can be a part of the next one too. :-)